The mission of branch Cosmos of the Union of Physicists in Bulgaria (UPB) is to help create a vibrant community of partners aiming to revive and develop the space research in Bulgaria. We believe that we can achieve our goal by building and strengthening links between the research teams working in the country; by building new connections between scientific groups and business organisations and by discussing with the state administration the pressing problems in the sector. That is why in 2020 we decided to establish branch Cosmos of UPB as a way to realise these ideas.
The activities of branch Cosmos include organising forums, conferences, schools and popularising the activities of Bulgarian researchers on a national and international level, by supporting Bulgarian scientific and popular science magazines and by helping to build new collaborations with foreign scientific groups and companies.
Branch Cosmos is a part of UPB and membership in it follows the UPB statutes:
The membership fees are determined by UPB and are as follows:
Payments can be made by bank transfer or through the payment system EasyPay to the account of UPB:
IBAN: BG91FINV91501215737609
Recipient: Съюз на физиците в България
Details/ reason for payment: членски внос Космос
If paying for more than one person, please email us with a list with their names and contact information.
Съюз на физиците в България