Second Summer School on Space Research, Technology and Applications

for Young Scientists and PhD Students
Rozhen, Bulgaria
3-10 July 2022

Branch Cosmos
is getting you updated with the latest Space technologies, brought to you by world's leading researchers.


Important dates:

1 March - 30 April 2022   Apply for financial support
1 March - 31 May 2022    Apply and self-pay
1 June 2022                       Notification of acceptance

with the financial support of

Trifon Trifonov: Exoplanets

Dr. Trifon Trifonov works in the Department of Planet and Star Formation at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), Heidelberg, Germany, and in the Department of Astronomy at the Faculty of Physics at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. Dr. Trifonov’s research focuses on discovering and characterizing extrasolar planetary systems (exoplanets) using ultra-precise Doppler spectroscopy and transit photometry. He has discovered several multi-planet systems and is a major contributor to discovering exoplanets around different types of stars: low-mass red M-dwarfs, solar-type yellow G-dwarfs, and massive red giants. He has made major scientific contributions to studying planetary dynamics of planetary systems in binary star systems and the formation and evolution of resonant multi-planetary systems.

Sergio Dasso: Sun & Space weather

Dr. Sergio Dasso is Full Professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina and Researcher (permanent staff), Council of Science and Technology of Argentina (CONICET), working in the astronomy and space physics institute (IAFE), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Head of the Argentina Laboratory of Space Weather (Laboratorio Argentino de Meteorología del esPacio, LAMP). LAMP develops R2O activities and Space Weather operative products, in particular offers: TEC maps of Argentina on real-time using RAMSAC net of GPS, a weekly bulleting with Space Weather conditions, and other products based on NASA and SWPC-NOAA space information. Principal Investigator of a project to develop Water Cherenkov radiation Detectors (to observe cosmic rays at energies of interest for Space Weather) and install them in the Argentine Marambio base, in Antarctic. Member of different panels and commissions of Space Weather and Space Physics (WMO-IPT-SWeISS, SCOSTEP-NSP, COSPAR-Nat-Rep, IAU-comm-Div-E, etc). Evaluator of international granted programs of Space Weather (e.g., NSF-Solar-Terrestrial-Research-Program-USA, CONICYT-Chile, UNAM-Mexico, FAPESP-Brazil, etc).

vladimir bozhilov: Science communication

Dr. Vladimir Bozhilov holds a Ph.D. in Astronomy since 2014. He is currently Associated Professor at the Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics at Sofia University, Bulgaria. Dr. Bozhilov was a Horizon 2020 National Contact Point for the “Science with and for Society” Programme (2017-2020) and served as Public Relations Expert at the Bulgarian National Science Fund (October 2018-February 2022). He is currently a Horizon Europe National Contact Point for the European Research Council Programme.

Dr. Bozhilov’s main scientific interests are active galactic nuclei (AGN) – quasars and blazars at high redshift, cosmology, exoplanets, astrobiology and habitability. Besides being an active scientist and a lecturer, Dr. Bozhilov is an active and well known science communicator with more than 300 media appearances on radio and TV and frequent presenter in sci-comm events (like Sofia Science Festival, European Researchers Night, RACIO etc.).

peter hristov: Machine learning and space related methods

Dr. Peter Hristov joined CERN in 2000 as a member of the ALICE collaboration.He worked on the software for offline data processing and as the ALICE programme librarian. He is currently leader of the Software Development section of the Experimental Physics department. Prior to joining CERN, he was a research physicist and participated successively in the EXCHARM experiment at the U-70 facility at Protvino, Russia, and in the NA48 experiment at the SPS facility at CERN. Dr. Hristov obtained a PhD in Particle Physics in 1999 from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.

Ramon Hanssen: InSAR & earth observations

Dr. Ramon Hanssen is Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor in Geodesy and Satellite Earth Observation. He studied aerospace engineering and geodetic engineering at Delft University of Technology (M.Sc. 1993). In 1994, he worked as a researcher on potential field data inversion at the International Institute for Aerospace Surveys and Earth Sciences (ITC). In 1995, he returned to TU Delft to start his PhD research on the geodetic analysis of repeat-pass spaceborne radar interferometry, with emphasis on error propagation. During this research, he worked as a visiting scholar at Stuttgart University (1996), at the German Aerospace Center (DLR, 1997) and at Stanford University (1997-1998) on a Fulbright research fellowship. In 2001 he received the PhD degree (cum laude). At present, he is working in the field of radar remote sensing, geodesy and geostatistics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences.

Hanssen’s current research interests include the geodetic analysis of imaging remote sensing data, the influence of the atmosphere on space-geodetic techniques, and the mathematical modeling and physical interpretation of deformation processes. In 2001, he published a text book on Satellite Radar Interferometry, which is well recognized in the scientific community.

Pia Astone: Aerospace technologies

Dr. Pia Astone is First research fellow with the INFN, Department of Physics, Rome Sapienza University – Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. She teaches Physics 2 at the Department of Chemistry and Physics in the Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty. She is a member of the LIGO/Virgo collaboration, was its scientific coordinator from 2012 to 2014 and still chairs the Rome Sapienza Virgo Group. She coordinates the popularisation activities of the INFN’s Rome section and is the national INFN coordinator for the PCTO Lab2Go project.

Branch Cosmos

Union of Physicists in Bulgaria