22 – 24 Октомври 2024 | София тех парк

Национален форум за съвременни космически изследвания 2024


Водещото събитие за Космос в България

Националният форум за съвременни космически изследвания (НаФСКИ) демонстрира последните достижения на образованието, науката и бизнеса в България в областта на Космоса.

НаФСКИ-V се организира от клон Космос към Съюза на физиците в България, Института по астрономия с Национална астрономическа обсерватория – БАН и Платформа за популярна наука Ratio. Събитието събира под един покрив водещи имена от страната и чужбина и отваря нови възможности за взаимодействие.

22 - 24

Октомври 2024

The Venue

София Тех Парк

Програмата на НаФСКИ-V

Събитието се проведе присъствено и на английски език

Материалите от НаФСКИ-V​

Материалите от НаФСКИ-V ще бъдат публикувани в Journal of Physics: Conference Series

НаФСКИ-V в залата

НаФСКИ-V се организира от

Клон "Космос" към СФБ
Институт по астрономия с НАО - БАН
Платформа за популярна наука Ratio

и представители на

Физически факултет - СУ
Софийски университет

НаФСКИ-V се провежда под патронажа на
Министерство на Иновациите и Растежа

С финансовата подкрепа на

Договор КП-06-МНФ/21 с Фонд „Научни изследвания”


Wiser Technology
Sfera Technologies

Клон „Космос“ към Съюза на физиците в България не носи отговорност за съдържанието на докладите представени от участниците в НаФСКИ-V.

Ден 1

22 октомври

08:00 – 20:00

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:30 Official opening

Stefan Lalkovski [Branch Cosmos]

Kamen Kozarev [IANAO-BAS]

Lubomir Baburov [RATIO]

Vladimir Bozhilov [Sofia University]

Sponsor Session

09:30-10:00 Dimitar Dimitrov [Wiser Technology]

10:00-10:30 Zdravko Dimitrov [Sfera Technologies]

10:30-11:00 Viktor Danchev [EnduroSat]

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:00 Deputy Minister Prof. Dr. George Angelov [Ministry of Innovation and Growth]

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

Session: Space industry

14:00-14:30 Jennifer Ngo-Anh [ESA]

14:30-15:00 Simon Jenner [Axiom Space]

15:00-15:30 Petko Dinev [Imperx]

15:30-16:00 Freddy Geyer [Thales Alenia]

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-18:00 Discussion panel: What niche in the space industry should we focus on as a country?

  • Viktor Danchev [EnduroSat]
  • Stela Tkatchova [European Innovation Council]
  • Kais Barmawi [ESA]
  • Petko Dinev [Imperx]

18:00 – 20:00 Social event

08:00-09:00 Registration

Session: New infrastructure & instrumentation

09:00-09:30 Zoran Simic [Astronomical Observatory Belgrade] (invited talk) Urban Observatory – Light Pollution

09:30-10:00 Dragomir Marchev [University of Shumen] (invited talk) The new instrumentation at the Astronomical center of Shumen University

10:00-10:15 Milen Minev [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] New 1.5 m telescope at NAO-Rozhen

10:15-10:30 Stanimir Kolev [Sofia University] Plasma Physics and Technologies at the Faculty of Physics, Sofia University

10:30-10:45 Kiril Kirilov [Petascale Supercomputer Bulgaria] Discoverer supercomputer

10:45-11:00 Marusja Buchvarova [Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS] Space Physics Group: From Intercosmos to Star Wars

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

Session: Astrophysics

11:30-12:00 Trifon Trifonov [Sofia University] (invited talk)  Searching for Exoplanets in the 21st Century

12:00-12:30 Oliver Roberts [NASA Marshall Space Flight Center / USRA Science and Technology Institute] (invited talk) Cosmic Fireworks: Revealing the Mysteries of the High-Energy Universe

12:30-12:45 Yuliya Mutafchieva [INRNE – BAS] Neutron star crusts and the influence of strong magnetic fields on their structure and composition

12:45-13:00 Vladislav Marchev [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Evolution of the mass accretion rate in symbiotic stars – MWC 560, Rs Oph and T Cr B

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

Session: Near Earth & Solar system

14:00-14:30 Adrian Sonka [Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy] (invited talk)  Rotational and physical properties of resonant minor planets

14:30-15:00 Diana Besliu-Ionescu [Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy] (invited talk)  High Speed Streams: Cataloguing and Understanding Geoeffectiveness

15:00-15:15 Antoaneta Antonova [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] The Dark and Quiet Skies initiative

15:15-15:30 Guergana Guerova [Sofia University] GNSS Radio Occultation use for atmospheric remote sensing

15:30-15:45 Kolyo Dankov [Sofia University] Exploring the heterogenic mineral composition of diverse set of meteorites by XRF and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy

15:45-16:00 Plamen Fiziev [Foundation for Theoretical and Computational Physics and Astrophysicds] New Methods for Using Spherical Harmonics in Analysis of Satellite Data

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-18:00 Poster session: mini-presentations

16:30-16:35 Nestor Arsenov [IANAO-BAS] The power of cosmic nothingness – using the emptiest spaces to figure out the evolution of the universe

16:35-16:40 Veronika Asova & Galin Bistrev [Sofia University] Study of the position reconstruction with monolith CeBr3 crystal and segmented photodetector array

16:40-16:45 Momchil Dechev [IANAO-BAS] Bulgarian-Serbian Cooperation in Active Events On The Sun, Catalogs Of Proton Events and Electron Signatures in X-Ray, UV and Radio Diapason

16:45-16:50 Kalina Dimitrova [Sofia University] Cluster Reconstruction in Electromagnetic Calorimeters Using Machine Learning Methods

16:50-16:55 Mainara Gouveia [Sofia University] Lagrangian characterization of the Black Sea

16:55-17:00 Dimana Grigorova [Sofia University] X-ray tests of lead loaded plastic scintillators for space applications

17:00-17:05 Daniel Ivanov, Mira Gencheva, Yavor Nedelchev [Sofia University] Design and performance of position sensitive charged particle trigger on cosmic rays

17:05-17:10 Kostadinka Koleva [SRTI-BAS] Halo CME deflection associated with a flare and filament eruption

17:10-17:15 Adelina Miteva [SRTI-BAS] Aluminium alloys in aerospace applications

17:15-17:20 Adelina Miteva [SRTI-BAS] Utilization of Nanomaterials in Aerospace Engineering

17:20-17:25 Radoslav Simeonov [Sofia University] The Forward Calorimeter of the ALICE experiment at CERN LHC

17:25-17:30 Stefan Stefanov, Emona Ilieva, Chavdar Nenov [IANAO-BAS / Sofia University] A Decade of Youth-Driven Research at the „Beli Brezi“ Summer School

17:30-17:35 Denitza Stoeva [Sofia University] Automated analysis of exoplanetary orbits (EXO-RESTART)

17:35-17:40 Petya Tabakova [SRTI-BAS] Hardness influence on the adhesion of thin protective coatings for aerospace applications

17:40-17:45 Veselin Vasilev [Sofia University] In-situ oxygen production on Mars by means of magnetically stabilized arc discharge and solid oxide electrolysis cells

17:45-17:50 Yancho Yordanov [Sofia University] Space Quantum Communication: Applications and challenges for building Global Quantum Network

17:50-17:55 Evelina Zaharieva [Sofia University] The most complete exoplanet host stellar properties (Exo-Restart)

17:55-18:00 Radoslav Zamanov [IANAO-BAS] MWC 656 – interaction of a black hole with the Be disc

Ден 2

23 октомври

08:00 – 18:00

Ден 3

24 октомври

08:00 – 17:30

08:00-09:00 Registration

Session: Space weather research

09:00-09:30 Mark Dierckxsens [Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy] (invited talk) Space Weather and Space Physics Research at the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy

09:30-09:45 Artem Epifanov [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Constraining the SEP Source Population in Global Transport Modeling Using Parker Solar Probe Measurements

Session: Solar observations

09:45-10:00 Werner Poetzi [Kanzelhöhe Observatory, University of Graz] Kanzelhöhe Space Weather data products and possible future contributions of NAO Bulgaria (cancelled) {presented by Rositsa Miteva}

10:00-10:15 Rositsa Miteva [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Geo-efficiency of solar active regions

10:15-10:30 Tsvetan Tsvetkov [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Research on the solar corona during total solar eclipses

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Session: Radio astronomy

11:00-11:15 Kamen Kozarev [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] The LOFAR Telescope Upgrade and LOFAR-BG Station – Current Status and Future Developments

11:15-11:30 Vergil Yotov [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] Characterizing solar activity using LOFAR observations

11:30-11:45 Peter Petkov [Technical University of Sofia] Antennas for Solar observations in Low and High Frequency Bands

11:45-12:00 Pavlina Alexieva [Technical University of Sofia] Performance comparison of low frequency antenna elements

Session: Machine learning

12:00-12:30 Oleg Stepanyuk [Institute of Astronomy and NAO – BAS] (invited talk) Segmentation and Tracking of Eruptive Solar Phenomena with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and beyond

12:30-12:45 Christoph Schirninger [University of Graz] Deep learning image burst stacking to reconstruct high-resolution ground-based solar observations

12:45-13:00 Mariana Filipova [University of Library Studies and Information Technologies] Developing a machine learning algorithm for classifying space objects using open data sources

13:00-14:00 Lunch break

Session: Space education

14:00-14:30 Tsvetelina Yordanova [Endurosat]

14:30-15:00 Stoil Ivanov [Sofia University]

15:00-15:30 Milen Simeonov [Bulgarian Air Force Academy „Georgi Benkovski“]

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-17:30 Discussion panel: New approaches in space education, Innovative education, learning by doing

  • Tsvetelina Yordanova [EnduroSat]
  • Stoil Ivanov [Sofia University]
  • Milen Simeonov [Bulgarian Air Force Academy „Georgi Benkovski“]

17:30 Closing the forum

Фонд „Научни изследвания“ не носи отговорност за съдържанието на докладите, представени на научния форум, както и за съдържанието на рекламните и други материали за него.

Финансова подкрепа

Младите учени могат да получат финансова подкрепа. Процедурата за кандидатстване (краен срок 31 май 2024 г.) е следната:

  1. Попълване на формуляра за регистрация и избор на типа принос – устно или постерно представяне (със съответните заглавие/съавтори)
  2. Изпращане на имейл на адрес rmiteva [at] nao-rozhen.org с искане за: безплатно настаняване (двойна стая в хотел Дом на Учения към БАН) и/или възстановяване на разходите за транспорт в България (автобусни/влакови билети)


НaФСКИ-V се проведе в София Тех Парк, сграда Инкубатор, зала The Venue.

адрес: булевард „Цариградско Шосе“ № 111, София


Програмен комитет

Любомир БАБУРОВ (Ratio)

Ирина ГАНЧЕВА (Wiser Technology)

Гергана ГЕРОВА (ФзФ-СУ)

Здравко ДИМИТРОВ (Sfera Technologies)

Христомир ЙОРДАНОВ (ФзФ-СУ)



Елисавета ПЕНЕВА (ФзФ-СУ)

Петър ПЕТКОВ (ТУ-София)

Организационен комитет

Владимир БОЖИЛОВ (ФзФ-СУ)